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Why Background Checks Are Crucial In the Construction Industry

Maintaining the safety of workplaces is crucial in the construction industry. An essential part of
maintaining this is making well-informed hiring decisions. Without the right data, employers and HR departments might miss screening out applicants with potentially problematic histories, substance use disorders, suspicious employment histories, and fraudulent education and certification information. Fortunately, background checks are the perfect solution. Background checks enable employers to simplify their recruitment processes by accessing important information on applicants, including their criminal record and past employment. Let’s take a closer look at some of the primary reasons why background checks are crucial in the construction industry.

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identity verification

8 Tips for Successful Identity Verification

Cybercriminals are rife in today's ever-expanding digital society. Data breaches in 2021 soared past those of 2020, but Verif-y is here to protect your Personally Identifiable Information. Verif-y ensures proving your identity is fast, easy, and secure. Verif-y eliminates manual, difficult and inefficient paper-based identity verification processes by offering automated screening services through four main services: Know Your Customer (KYC), Know Your Business (KYB), Selfie Scanning, and Credit Card Scanning.

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data breach

10 Steps to Prevent a Data Breach

In today’s data-driven world, data breaches are becoming more commonplace and can affect hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people at a time. As digital transformation has increased the sheer amount of data moving, data privacy risks and the amount of data breaches have consequently risen due to attackers exploiting the data-dependencies of our daily lives.

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background checks illustration

The Alternative Background Checks

What Are Background Checks?

Background checks are a customary part of any hiring process. Background checks help companies to address workplace safety and avoid threats. They are key initiatives for any company during the pre-employment evaluation process. Running background checks allows companies to investigate a variety of data points that will affect their hiring decision. Contingent upon need and industry, companies frequently search criminal records, perform drug screenings, evaluate work and academic history, financial history, and much more to gain reassurance. While background checks date back to the early 1900's, alternative background checks have been used in conjunction to the classic method in recent years. 

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digital identity compliance

Digital Identity: What Is It, and Why You Should Care.

In this article, we will take an in-depth view into the significance of our digital identities and why it is vital to keep them secure. The last eighteen months have highlighted how the worlds of business and government are dependent on valid digital identity solutions. This is apparent in such areas as eCommerce, banking, government, healthcare, and media. However, there are many more areas and applications that require a trusted solution, some of which we will review below. This new necessity and awareness to the dependency businesses and governments have on the individual’s validated digital information creates compliance and data security issues that are far beyond the ability of most business to handle effectively.

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dating apps pandemic digital identity

Dating Apps, Digital Identity, and a Pandemic - A Gen Z Perspective.

Online dating has grown to become a popular way for people to meet. Dating apps were not very common until Tinder became available to smartphones users in 2013. Tinder has shifted dating culture, which has allowed people of all sexualities to find love, dates, or hook ups at their fingertips. The popularity of Tinder has led to the development of many more dating apps and an increase in users. 

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